Hi there. Looking for information regarding tracking time limits - I’m creating compulsory compliance learning, that needs to be 2hrs long (government mandated). Our LMS can track how long it takes a user to complete, but we need to make sure they’re not just clicking through Evolve learning without reading etc. Is there a way to track in Evolve?
Hi Kelly,
There is no time tracking in Evolve, that would be a feature of your LMS.
If you want to be sure that learners are viewing each part and not skipping too far too fast, you can use content locking and logic to hide content away until the current element has been completed.
Just be aware that this can be a frustrating experience for the learner if not done considerately. As can any sort of timed element or having to wait a certain amount of time before you can proceed (such as having to wait for audio narration to finish).
Make sure you use bookmarking so that the learners can take a break and come back and carry on where they left off.
And there is no way in any tool to make sure that the content has actually been read, that can only be proven by testing learners on the content by assessment in some way, and having an engaging course that makes them want to read and partake in the content
I hope that helps a little.
So much this
Also if you end each topic with some multiple choice questions about the preceding content and publish the course as SCORM 2004 to an LMS that supports that format, Evolve will record the learner’s responses to those questions to the LMS so that you can then run reports showing how many learners answered those questions, how many times, what answers they gave etc.