Speaking to someone about accessing Evolve

All licenses under our Evolve account seems to have been disabled since Friday last week. I have been unable to find a number to contact Evolve/Intellum for help on this. I have now requested a login for the Contact Us page - does anyone know how long this takes?

We’ve got some tight deadlines we’re working towards so having no access to the content we’re working on for 48hrs+ is seriously going to have a negative impact on deliverables. Does anyone have another way of contacting Evolve for help on this? We were invoiced in April and the subscription should be active, and has been since 2022.

The message when login in is: Your license has been disabled on this Evolve instance. Contact the account owner for help. (I am the account owner!)


You can always contact support via the support hub - Intellum (you may need to request a login if you don;t already have one) or by emailing support@intellum.com

In the meantime, if you give me the instance name you use (ie. xxxx.evolveauthoring.com) we can have a quick look for you and see what might have happened.

Thanks, I’ve forwarded the email I tried to send to our account manager which bounced back to support@

I have also dm you our instance details.