There doesn’t appear to be any way of contacting a human team to help with Account queries via the Help & Support or Contact Us pages.
Doesn’t anyone know what to do if you want to change your organisation name for example?
There doesn’t appear to be any way of contacting a human team to help with Account queries via the Help & Support or Contact Us pages.
Doesn’t anyone know what to do if you want to change your organisation name for example?
Hi @Tim_Somerfield you have to log in to the support portal (the one you are taken to after clicking ‘Contact Us’ in Evolve) then you can raise a ticket.
If you haven’t been sent a login - apologies for that. We’ve recently changed to a new support system and are still working out some issues.
Please drop an email to follow the Request Login Form link in the Support Portal and they will sort that out for you.
Hi @Matt_Leathes - A few team members and I are also having troubles with accessing the support portal. We have sent emails to the one you posted above, letting them know we are stuck in the password reset loop and unable to login and seeking support but we are not hearing anything back from them. Is there another way to seek help with gaining access to the support portal?
Thanks Matt, very much appreciated
A form for requesting a login has now been added to the Intellum Support Portal:
Hi @Matt_Leathes I’m having the same problem that Jessica describes.
I’m unable to log in and stuck in the password reset loop (requesting reset but not getting reset emails). I’ve filled out the ‘Request login’ form again but not heard anything back yet. Can you help?
@phughesMT hopefully you should have the reset password email now. if not please email
Hi @Matt_Leathes I’ve got the email. Thanks so much!