Publishing course by articles


I have a course that I want to upload to LMS but the file is too large; is there any way I can download SCORMS for pages individually?

I have tried enabling and disabling pages but that doesn’t work.

The only other thought I have in mind is duplicating the course multiple times and turning it into smaller courses then downloading SCORMs for those courses; I just needed to check if there is any faster more convenient way first

Would appreciate any help on that matter!

No, that’s really the only way unfortunately.

Disabled pages are kept in the exported file, this is to allow you to import it back into Evolve again with everything intact. You have to completely delete a page to remove it (and any associated assets) from the exported file.

Some other things you might try:

  • Contact the LMS administrator to see if there’s some way of allowing for uploading larger SCORM .zip files
  • Typically it’ll be video files in the course that make it really large*. You could look to compress these more to reduce the file size. Or host them outside of Evolve. The Media component allows you to use an externally-hosted MP4 file; equally there are several video streaming services supported by Evolve (YouTube, Vimeo, Brightcove, Wistia & VidYard). These also allow for advanced functionality such as automatically serving up a lower-bandwidth video for users on slower connections.

*I’ve often found that when working with video companies they’ll always supply the video in the highest possible resolution, even though that may not particularly be very ‘bandwidth friendly’…! There’s really no need to include MP4 files in 4K resolution unless you know for sure all your learners will have 4K screens and the bandwidth to handle 4K video! For most e-learning a video data rate of 1Mbps is perfectly adequate…

Thank you so so much! will try that then!

Hey @Noor_AlAbdullah

this might be coming a bit late, but I have a tip for you. We also have courses where we have multiple topics or pages, but sometimes we only want to export part of it. For that, we use the course versions. In the course, you’ll find this function at the bottom left. There, you can create a new course version, and you’ll have the current state of your course as a kind of copy – with the advantage that this “copy” remains within the same course, so you don’t need to duplicate the course. In this copy, you can make changes – in your case, you can delete topics or pages and leave only what you want to export. The advantage here is that only the content in the course version gets exported (unlike hiding topics, where the file size remains the same, as @Matt_Leathes has already pointed out). After that, you simply export the course, and you’re done. In the course versions, you can of course switch between versions at any time.

Hope, this helps

Best regards