How to add instructions text in Evolve demo/try me?
Attached the image for reference as to what is instruction text I am referring to here
Hi apologies, not 100% sure what you are asking here - that looks like a simulation component’s instruction text.
I am trying to edit this text, but not able to do that. Please guide
That looks like the Simulation Template - you need to go into the Simulation component, select it and select the Open Simulation Editor button:
then you need to double click on screen 3 in the left hand list, select screen instructions, and open instruction 1:
I hope that helps!
Hello Sam,
Thanks for the steps. This is helpful.
But after editing the text, do we need to save or is it auto-saved.
I am not able to see the edited text, instead I see the old text itself.
Also, the image Welcome to Amazon Approval is not visible.
Attaching the image for reference here.
Any guide readily available on these steps, please share.
Edits are auto-saved.
Typically the course preview will update immediately to show your changes but on rare occasions a reload of the preview may be required.
As to why you’re not seeing your changes reflected in preview, it’s probably because you are editing Screen 1 but you have Screen 3 pinned:
‘Pinning’ a screen in the Simulation component causes that screen to be the one initially displayed in Live Preview… this is useful when you are working on a specific screen in a long Simulation sequence and want to keep that screen set to display in the Live Preview.
BTW for issues like this it might be best for you to contact support via the menu in Evolve:
If you don’t have a login for the support portal please email to get set up.
Hello Matt,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I could resolve this issue earlier today.
Now, please let me know if I can copy a simulation from a course and paste in another. If yes, please share the steps quickly.
Thanks again
Yes you can - see this help article.
Hello Matt,
Thank you for the article with the steps.
I followed the steps in the Copy course elements section (Copy & Paste Evolve Content : Intellum).
It says Pasting Component, but the component is not getting pasted even after waiting for several minutes.
Attaching screenshot for reference
Please help
It’s not pasting for you - it’s waiting for you to choose where to paste - if it’s a component you need to have a Block with a blank space ready to paste into, if it’s a block or article just scroll to where you want it in the page builder and select Paste Here button.
If you create a new block then click the More button, the Paste option shows up in the panel that appears at the side.
Similarly it will appear if you click Add Component:
Thank you Matt, it worked.
But the steps look incomplete. Complete steps should be added.
Hello Matt,
Can we add audio to demos on Evolve?