Hi, How do I allow the reviewers access to the MCQ? I have 23 questions in the extension but my reviewers can only see the ‘bank’ 10. I have googles and it appears that I need to copy and paste to a word document but this feels a lengthy process.
We faced the same issue. Our workaround was to add an additional article with display text saying, “Additional question bank questions for review only.” We added sufficient MCQs to ensure that the reviewer could see all the questions from the bank. Once the review was complete we hid/disabled the article of additional questions.
There is a big watch out, though! The questions are drawn from the bank randomly, so what one reviewer sees as the first question will not be the same for other reviewers. Feedback like “change answer 2 to false” is useless because we couldn’t determine the question they were looking at. To resolve this, we asked the reviewers to paste the whole question into the comment along with their change request.