We have only recently used the page by page navigation.
We found something strange
There is a loading (with the loader animation) at the beginning of each page, even though the assets are already visible on the page. It also happen when we come back to a page that was already loaded and should be in the cache ?
Do you know if we can remove the loader animation alltogether (not just customize it) ?
Are there some components that take a longer time to load ? or logic ?
I wonder whether it is not due to the Infographics and interactive components. They are visible on the screen but yet, the loader is on. Maybe it is loading information such as feedbacks ?
Well for me it happened even when using quite basic components on the page. It’s supposed to wait until every component on the page declares itself ready - or give up after about 3 seconds. It feels a bit like it’s always doing the ‘giving up after three seconds’ thing - but I’ll need to do some digging to find out for sure.
Hi Matt, just wondering if you found a reason or fix for this? We are having the same issue. Every time we go back and forth between pages, it take 3-4 seconds to load the pages. We have older SCORMS built in Evolve and they load pages straight away. Wondering if there is a setting or something that needs to be adjusted. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kim
Hi @kimj1 I did do some further testing of this at the time - and just did some more today.
Mostly I didn’t find anything particularly wrong with the loading times - the only exception being components that load ‘third party’ assets or code such as the Video Stream component or any other component that has been configured to load a video from a streaming service. There’s not really much we can do about this since they are loading code/assets from 3rd party servers.
A load time of 3-4 seconds every time doesn’t sound too great though, if you want to DM me a link to a course in Evolve that exhibits this problem I can take a quick look to see if there’s anything going on in there that I’ve somehow missed.
Hi @kimj1 thanks for sharing the relevant courses with me, that has really helped.
I think I have figured it out now: in the pages where the page load times are regularly hitting three seconds the issue is that you have enabled Add Hero Image but you don’t actually have a Hero Image set:
If I disable that setting the pages load much faster - mostly under 20ms (aside from the pages that include Brightcove video) - especially once already visited & cached.
I’ll have to do a bit more digging in the code to be absolutely sure but my guess is that having that setting enabled causes the code to wait for the hero image to be loaded - but of course since there isn’t one set it will never do so. And eventually just gives up after the three-second timeout is reached.
Thanks so much Matt! Just tested it and that is exactly what it is. Thanks again, your knowledge is outstanding and you’ve just saved me a world of pain
@kimj1 no problem at all - and just to mention that, as from the next Evolve release, it will only wait for the Hero Image to load if one has actually been set.