Link to resources after import broken

Hi there,

I‘ve noticed that the files in the Resource extension are no longer linked to as soon as I re-import an Evolve-course that I once created in Evolve. In my specific case, I had a course that linked to a file in the resources via the component Links; it is therefore an internal link. I then exported the course and deleted all data from our domain. Some time later, I had to make changes to the content and found that the link was unlinked. Since this has happened to me more than once now, I wanted to post this here, hoping that this might be a problem you can fix. But maybe there is a solution to the problem already?

Best regards

Yeah I can see why that would be happening… the short answer is that no, I don’t think there is a way around this (at the moment)

Basically when you create a resources item it assigns a unique identifier to that item and when you create a link to it using the Links component, it uses that unique id. But when you import a course it creates new ids for everything (to avoid clashes with existing ones) - and the Links component must still be using the old id.

I’ll need to check with our backend devs to find out for sure but this sounds like something that could be fixable. After all, it must do something similar with other asset types as I’m sure they all get assigned new ids on import…

I’ll let you know what I find out.

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Thanks Matt,

then I’m eagerly waiting for the feedback. In any case, the reasoning is understandable and explains the problem.

Best regards

They think it should be fixable, if tricky for reasons I won’t bore you with!

I’ve logged a ticket for it anyway.

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Just to note that this has been fixed in this week’s Evolve release.

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Awesome news, thank you!!