Grid layout and lists

Sometimes it’s useful to use a column/grid layout for components like text and graphic or media grid. This creates a kind of grid layout for the content.

If the items in this grid are essentially a list of things (in most cases you could probably argue that they are), it would be useful for them to be tagged with <ul> and <li> instead of <div>.

In other cases, it’s sometimes useful to number the items in a grid layout or display things in a specific order (left first, right last), in which case they now technically more of an ordered list <ol> with list items <li>.

It would be really useful for authors to be able to decide which of these is most appropriate for their specific use case: list, ordered list, not a list. It wouldn’t be useful to set this globally, since it’s so content dependent. Instead, it would be great if we could specify this when editing each individual component.

Is there any way this option could be added to components that present things in a grid format? It would really help lay things out nicely while also satisfying accessibility requirements.