Hi, I’m trying to upload my own fonts, however, whenever I do i get the following error:
However, I am most definitely including ttf fonts in the zip files I’m uploading.
Can anyone help with this, as I don’t know what more i can do when I’m including the files it’s asking for!
Many thanks,
Hi Andy,
Have you tried building the font package using transfonter.org? That normally works for us.
That said, we have a some fonts where the owner/font designer has blacklisted the font. When that happens there is no work around other than choosing a different font.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for responding. The issue was being caused by my fonts being in a folder that was zipped, instead of just the font files being zipped up. I pulled them out the folder, zipped them up and the issue was resolved.
Thank you for recommending transfonter.org. Wasn’t aware of this site so will keep it in mind for the future.
Thanks again,