Before adding custom font files to Evolve check that you have the correct license for using the font on the web.
To upload your custom font you will need these font files where customFontName is the font being used:
- customFontName.eot
- customFontName.svg
- customFontName.ttf
- customFontName.woff
- customFontName.woff2
If you’ve purchased a commercial font for web then your provider will have given you these files. It is possible to use services like Font Squirrel , Fontie or Transfonter to generate your webfonts.
These services will generate a suitable .zip file for upload to Evolve.
Uploading and using custom fonts.
- Navigate to Assets
- Click Manage Fonts
- Click Upload Fonts
- Upload the .zip file containing your custom font that you created at the beginning of this process.