Action button: Close SCORM Session


I’ve set an Action Button to Close SCORM Session and added an event to logic that when the Action Button is clicked to Set Course to Complete. When I publish the course, neither of these things happen. When the button is clicked it doesn’t close the course or set the course to complete. Is this not set to work how I’ve interpreted this set of actions?

Edit: same issue whether I set the completion status on Inview or on Click in the action button behaviour.

Close SCORM session doesn’t close the course, it calls LMSFinish (SCORM 1.2) or Terminate (SCORM 2004)

The use case for this is for when your course is displayed ‘inline’ in the LMS such as can be done in Moodle, Totara or SCORM Cloud.

If your Action Button isn’t setting the course to completed: check you have set Select How Your Course Should Set A Status to Logic Completion in Course Settings > Behavior

Unfortunately I don’t think there is a way to have a button set the course to completed AND then close the course.

The best option might be to have your Set completion trigger have an additional action to reveal some further content that contains a Links component where the link item has ‘Should close the window?’ enabled.


Hi Christina,
We use the link component and close the window to return a finish course for our LMS with a display as button and call it cose course, we also use content locking and as Mat has said use the how your course sets the status for completon, that this button is the last item a user sees on the course to close it rather than closing the browser at completion - just an alternative way if it helps. We have so many issues with logic and it seems the simplier we can make it the easier it is.


Thanks both.

We’ve been using the Link component to close course combined with logic (status set to Logic Completion or Logic Completion & Logic Passes/Failed), mostly with success but there’s about 10% of learners for whom this doesn’t work and they become stuck ‘in progress’ on our LMS and we have to manually mark them as complete.

I’ll revisit the content locking extension to see if this also streamlines completion for us.

It’s hard to say for sure without being able to see exactly how you have this setup - but there is a possibility that if you’ve got it set to complete and exit when the Links component is clicked then there could be occasions where the course completion doesn’t have time to run/register completion with the LMS before the course window closes…

Thanks Matt, I was going to also ask if you had any solutions for this as we do have the same issue occasionally, from our research it does also seem to be browser based and internet based more that Evolve based - we do have a lot of external users though which makes pin pointing the issue very difficult as this also comes with user abilties. We do not seem to have any issues internally with our staff, so I am convinced this issue is not Evolve based.

Focussing on just the assessment courses, here are the settings. At this juncture, we appreciate that if 90% can complete fine then it’s likely to be individual environments stopping progress but it would be useful to know the way we’ve set things up are optimal and not contributing to learners not being able to proceed.

On the surface nothing seems particularly wrong there.

As you’re using Logic, can I just check you have enabled ‘advanced tracking’?

Are you getting completion issues with all of them or just one/some?

If you’re able to, DM a link one of the courses (ideally the one that’s easiest to work through!) and I can try and take a deeper look to see if I can spot anything untoward.

We haven’t been using Advanced Tracking! I also see this has been moved to a separate drop down at some point. But it used to be a toggle under SCORM format and I’m 99% sure we did not toggle Advanced Tracking on.

Completion issues are happening across the board whether it’s assessments or not, but again only for some learners and as part of a learning pathway with multiple short modules, only 1 or 2 may not record as complete. And not always the same ones between learners!

I’ll DM you now, thanks for looking!