What is the purpose of the "Thumbnail" items in assets folder

Hi there, I’m looking to reduce the the overall package size of my Evolve publish and notice that there are duplicates of each asset in the assets folder. One called Original one called Thumbnail.

E.g. course\en\assets\66100a9290520164b06b797c

This has:


What is the thumbnail used for, and can it be deleted from the package without causing issues to the scorm structure/manifest? It looks like the “original” is what’s used in the course.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Hi @AlBourne - the thumbnail is there so that the published course can be imported back into Evolve, if necessary. So if you are very confident you wont need to import that published zip back into evolve, you can safely delete those thumbnails.

There’s more info on the multiple versions of the image here:


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Amazing, thanks for clarifying Sam.

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