Web publish - engagement data?

Hi, I was wondering if it’s possible to publish an Evolve course on a website that might be behind an sso, and still be able to collect user engagement data on it? Or can we only get user data if published as scorm in an lms for example, or on the Intellum platform? Thanks, Maria

Hey Maria and welcome!

You can publish to a web server that isn’t technically an LMS yes. How you get user data yourselves would be dependant on what you put in place on your server in order to pull the data out. You can use Google Analytics Extension in the course to connect to there, but this is more for when the course was accessed and by whom and will not pull through completion or score data.

For the learner’s themselves - You could turn on the Local Storage Extension which will save the data to the learner’s browser. This does mean that the learner will have to use the same computer and browser combo each time to restore the data and use bookmarking (if turned on), but this is the feature specifically used in this situation where you do not use n LMS.

When you publish, publish to “Web”