Unable to edit existing text content

I have content in various components - and I’ve not figured out the rationale for when the following heppens.

In updating text to existing courses I am unable to click into a text area (editor) and type, delete etc. No cursor shows up, and when inspecting in dev tools the textarea has contenteditable=“false”

If I manually change to “true” I am able to make changes. even after reload. I am facing this quite a bit throughout the courses and its not a workable solution.

I am also unable to create a support ticket as I can’t log into the system. Reset password never sends out an emails either.

It may have somethign to do with pasting text from microsoft word. Still needs fixing though :smiley:

This is one we’ve never seen before as far as I’m aware, and I am sure there is a LOT of pasting from Word happening :smiley:

Can you just make sure first that you don’t have multiple tabs of the course editor open where you have locked that component’s settings by means of it being “edited” in the other tab?

If so you would see something like this at the top of the settings panel:


You can either close the duplicate tab(s) or hit the takeover button in that case.

If it is an issue with pasting then our devs can take a look. Other suggestion in the meantime is always paste in from outside sources using “paste without formatting” either with the ctrl/cmd shift V instead of ctrl/cmd V, or right click and paste and match style or whatnot.

Let me know!

Hi @tlh , once you have tried what @hbailey suggested, if you are still having issues, you can DM a link to the course in your Evolve instance and point us to a n area where you are having the issue, we can take a look and see if we can work out what’s happening.

Thanks. I have one. (block > general > block body text) - will DM you he link

I usually do have multiple windows open - only one editor per course though. I’ll have a preview going in another window and perhaps the theme in a third. And I can be doing this for a few courses at a time.

I have made sure to close all these down after finding the above, logged out, cleared cache and then logged back in. Still an issue.

Interestingly, something I maybe didn’t notice yesterday, unless it wasnt there, I have a secondary div on the inside which has contenteditable=“false” - testing this on other working inputs I can see this secondary div is not there.

The other text area hidden in the bottom (orange) which gets populated as you type (pink) is just in this image as I was trying to see what’s going on.

I tried DMing you but I’m not allowed apparently. I had inlcuded link in the post above orginally, and it can be seen in edit histroy anyway. Thats to whoever sorted out the password reset email for me too!


It looks to me very much like someone has pasted in some HTML which contains the attribute contenteditable=false.

The div with class fr-element which has contenteditable=true on it is the one that belongs to Evolve. Everything inside of that div is something pasted in by an Evolve user.

I will see about getting Evolve to remove any contenteditable=false attributes from pasted content so that this problem doesn’t keep spreading - but unfortunately I think the only workaround for existing content will be to remove that attribute as you have been doing.

Thanks Matt,

So I’ve had a chat to a few other devs and it appears this may be a problem when copying from browser based Word. I couldn’t say if they chose to keep or clean the formatting when the popup showed.

I’ve largely moved through all the content edits I had to make now so am less concerned. I ended up writing a small js mtutation observer snippet to run via console to find and update these.