About the General Help category

The General Category is for any question you have about Evolve.

The Evolve team or members of the community will help you out!

I have a course which has language versions. I have just uploaded an exported → translated → imported html file. Now, the translated text is not visible in either Live Preview or in the Content editor. I have verified that the file I am uploading IS translated; also, when I re-export the html file it is the translated version. So why is it not visible in the Content editor or Live Preview?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Live Preview Not Showing Language Import

Hello, bit of a basic question but I’ve inherited some Evolve courses and I’d like to go through and review some of the content and structure. Is there a way I can download the storyboard (I’d love to take a pen to them on hardcopy before editing!)

Hi Francesca,

Not easily or for the whole course at once - you can save as PDF from your browser and open that in word, but anything hidden at the point of printing to pdf will not be visible. The best format to do it in is while in mobile view as mobile view tends to display more items on screen at once.

We do get asked for this feature to “print” a whole course to a document, and whilst it’s kind of the opposite of what an e-learning course is all about, we do see the use cases for this to be valuable - so it may be something that comes on the roadmap at some point. @Sam_Cook_Evolve_PO one for the requests list!



A post was split to a new topic: Polyfill vunerability