.svg files no longer uploading

Suddenly I cannot upload .svg assets. I can’t even upload .svgs that I’ve used previously in Evolve. I keep getting this error: Error: File extension does not match detected file type

I tried downloading existing .svg files from my asset library and reuploading them with the same result so I don’t think it has anything to do with the files themselves.

We’re having the same issue - it was working earlier this week and now we’re unable to load .SVGs.

Same issue here since yesterday afternoon, still not uploading this morning

Hi all, we are working on a fix for this currently - will keep you posted here. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Hi, just for the record, the same is happening for animated PNG.

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Hi all, the issue with .svg files has now been fixed (prob best to refresh Evolve if you have it open in a tab).

@SDias - sorry for the issue with APNGs. We have never actually officially supported that file type. You can see the list of supported file types when you upload an asset:

Is it possible to use a gif instead?

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Maybe we should consider adding support? APNG does offer benefits that animated GIF doesn’t (24-bit color, smaller file sizes, alpha transparency) and is now supported by all major browsers.

At the very least we should make sure they can be included in ‘embeddable’ assets.


Hi Sam,

Thanks for your reply.
The file extension for an animated png is “.png”, which is included in that list, so we never thought it wouldn’t work.

We use animated PNGs in almost all of our courses, because they offer a much higher color depth compared to GIFs, resulting in superior quality and eliminating pixelation issues.

We have always uploaded animated pngs without any issue, we did so last monday… However, now, if I try to upload the exact same pngs I did on monday, it doesn’t accept them.

Any reason why?

Hi @SDias ,
I spoke to the team and we will provide support for animated pngs. I can’t give you specifics on when that will happen just yet, but it should be soon. Will update you as soon as I know more.

FYI this came about because of security enhancements to Evolve.


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Looks like it can be either .png or .apng file extension - but the mime-type will be image/apng which I suspect is why it’s being blocked.

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Thanks Matt, that could explain!
Hopefully it will be fixed soon :crossed_fingers:

Hi @Sam_Cook_Evolve_LQA

Thank you for your help!

Tomorrow, we’re scheduled to deliver a module that is part of a set sharing the same structure. The six modules we’ve already delivered include animated PNGs. The module we’re delivering tomorrow follows the same structure and uses similar PNGs. However, this issue is delaying our delivery timeline.

We’ll attempt to export the animations as GIFs, but the difference in quality will likely be noticeable when compared to the previously delivered modules and I know the client will ask for a new version.

Please, do let me know as soon as you have any updates regarding this.
Thanks again

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Hi @SDias the fix has been deployed now and you will be able to upload animated pngs. Once again, apologies for the inconvenience.

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Hi @Sam_Cook_Evolve_LQA,

It’s working perfectly, right on time for our delivery :pray:
Thank you so much for the help!

Have a great weekend :smiley:


Hi there, we’re now having this same issue when trying to load .png files. Is this something that can be fixed? Thanks in advance

Hi @kimj1 - we fixed the issue related to uploading .png files, is it still not working for you? Definitely .png and not .apng?

Unfortunately still having issues, this is what I am getting and yes definitely a .png:

Hi @kimj1 would you mind contacting Evolve support please? Thanks-Sam

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