Storage extension - can we pull data back out?

Is there any way to get the data from my firebase storage back into the course, or to somewhere else, such as Moodle, or is it just for capturing the data sent from things like the survey component?

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Well excitingly we now have more ways of getting data out and I abandoned Firebase so all is good!

Is it possible to run the social/survey components without firebase? @hbailey would be great if you can expand on this news?

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Hi Nick!

What great timing - the 8.2.10 release talks about this specifically :slight_smile:

I hope that helps.

HI Helen, just read the update now, unfortunately it makes it unavailable to those of us without bloom/exceed LMS , so causes a bit of a headache as it was well received from our users.

Are there any workarounds?


Hi @hbailey, presume the next time we go to update our course modules these components will be broken or disappear so we will need to remove. As a last ditch effort is there a way of pointing it to some other storage or LRS?

Yes, sadly, the components will be removed and there is nothing in Evolve to replace it.

If you hosted your courses with an LRS then that could be an option.

Can you share the LMS you currently use and what the use case for the storage component was?

Hi Helen, sorry I must have missed your reply.

Investigating the users Identity, we gave them options to choose in how they viewed their own identity. The values ranged from gender, age related categories to more specific career or specialised identities.

So there were a few options and the user gained the immediate feedback via the pie chart. This was quite useful as it gave the user some reassurance in that they recognised there was always a group of users big and small who identified like them, so they weren’t the odd one out.

We are just about to start updating our courses and obviously this is not going to be available when updated units are published. Do you have any ideas on what could be created as a direct/indirect replacement for the Social MCQ.


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