Looking to view sample of actual courses created in Evolve

I am just learning about Evolve and really excited for the chance to create online courses! And I am new to the world of Instructional Design. I’m a very visual person, especially when it comes to learning new, and I was wondering if there was a way for people to share with me a course that they’ve created in Evolve. As I’m learning about this authoring tool, for me, it’s always helpful to reference an actual example. It allows me to understand better how courses are structured and what they look like to the learners.

I don’t know if this is possible, but if not, I wonder if Evolve could provide some examples on their website? Thanks, everyone–I look forward to getting some feedback on this question.


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Hello and a very warm welcome Debbie to Evolve and to the community. I’m so glad that you are excited about Evolve - It does the same to me! I’m the Learning Experience Designer for Evolve, and I’m working to create training and help for Evolve with everyone’s input. So I may well call upon you for a chat if that’s ok!

We currently have a few examples you can look at - and i’m sure some lovely community members may well share too, that would be great!

Try these:

  • SIngle Page Video Assessment
  • Offline experiential learning course
  • Search based e-learning course
  • Create a game course

Logic example: https://www.evolveauthoring.com/examples/v7/index.html#/page/5e258a9bb730db454a026de5

Simulation examples:

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Absolutely, Helen! Just so you know, I am in the U.S. (Seattle, Washington, to be exact). If you want to do a Skype call, that would be great!

And thank you so much for 1) the quick response 2) and some examples.

I am sure I’ll have other questions as I navigate my way through all the modules, so be prepared!

Thanks again!


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It’s what we’re here for!

Drop me a mesasge at hbailey@intellum.com and we’ll organise a video chat sometime!

Will do!



Hey Debbie,

See neatoexplained.com. it’s all built in Evolve, apart from the language selector and customized certificate.


Awesome, thank you so much, Andy. I will check it out! I am loving this community—so helpful!



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This course is fantastic! Might I show it off in our client and colleague webinar “Intro to Evolve” on Wednesday afternoon please? Contact me on hbailey@intellum.com if you prefer.

If anyone would like to join that webinar it is open to all - so please do sign up!

Sure thing Helen, help yourself.

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WONDERFUL Andy thank you so much - I’m really impressed with it!

This is a great example, Andy! Thank you for sharing it. It’s one thing to learn how to use an authoring software like Evolve, but it makes so much more sense when you see an actual example of it in use!

So thank you! I am still in the early learning stage but I am so eager to jump into creating a course using Evolve. Soon, I hope.

Have a wonderful day!



Thanks for sharing those examples @hbailey, really useful! @teach, I’m like you in that I love learning from examples too.

Here’s a couple of Evolve examples of my own, a dental health piece, and here’s my “learn how to learn a language” course.

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These are great, Michael. I’ll be checking them both out more closely later. But for now, I have a question:

What platform did you use to host these two courses? I know you used Evolve as the authoring tool, but in terms of delivery, what platform are you using?

I am still in the early stages of learning how to use Evolve through its Academy, so I’ve always had this question and never got around to asking someone until now.

Thanks again for sharing these two examples!



@teach Hi Debbie, these are hosted on Amazon S3 (basically free for low volume usage).

I made a quick video showing steps to upload to S3 here (Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software).

(There’s a font issue in the course I noticed on clicking final S3 link which I’m checking with support)

Thanks, Michael! Is that something you recommend?


Yes, it’s a good option when you just want a quick link to send to someone outside of an LMS or host a link on a website where you can’t access the server (Wix, Weebly, Squarespace etc). Obviously you can’t track learner completion like a SCORM <-> LMS connection can though.

Thank you for sharing this with us @Andy_Moorman. A fantastic example!
A question about functionality - how did you change the instruction text to show “Completed” following an activity completion? I like this placement.

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Hi, in the component use the Interaction Label option. You can set two states for the label. Some components need the behaviour changed from Inview to Ended (media components) or Clicked (button components).


Thank you, Andy. Still learning about Evolve, but your advice will be extremely valuable once I am ready to create a test course.


Thank you, Andy. I was able to recreate the functionality. I initially thought you had customized the instructions label somehow. Thanks for the quick feedback.

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