Hello, My client is receiving two records of the same course on their LMS. One record shows the course in progress and another record shows as completed for the same user. What could be the reasons for this? Thanks
Hi @Feilim , that sounds like an LMS issue rather than an Evolve issue. I would speak to a technical support person from the LMS side.
Some LMSs - Moodle & Totara for example - allow the learner to take multiple attempts at a course. These would show up as separate records on the LMS. As @Sam_Cook_Evolve_LQA says you need to speak to your LMS provider/admin.
Thanks Sam and Matt, I will speak to the LMS provider. Can you confirm if there are any settings in Evolve that can be changed before publishing the course that could affect this or is it completely on the LMS side?
The only thing I can think of is if you are publishing as SCORM 2004 and have the setting LMS Exit Status set to ‘auto’… when the learner completes the course then relaunches it at a later date the LMS might automatically create a new attempt… you’d need to check with your LMS provider about this (the technical name of that SCORM setting is cmi.exit
by the way)
If that turns out to be the case you can change that setting to ‘suspend’ by selecting Advanced in the publish settings in Evolve
Thanks Matt I will check with the LMS provider. I am publishing in SCORM 1.2, would that apply in this case also?
Hey @Feilim the setting Matt mentions above is solely for SCORM 2004 and not SCORM 1.2
I would be slightly more cautious and say that it’s highly unlikely to have any impact in SCORM 1.2 but I wouldn’t completely rule it out. The SCORM 1.2 documentation for this setting is a bit vague and so is open to misinterpretation by LMS developers… but it’s been many years since I’ve heard of any issues with this setting in SCORM 1.2 causing any odd behaviour.