My hero images are scaling up so much that they are becoming fuzzy.
1: why is there no obvious consistency in the way images are displayed
2: why are there no image scaling or positioning tools in Evolve?
2a: if there are, where are they?
3: why does nothing I do in the image editing options seem to make a difference to how my images are displayed? - I have tried scaling the image (choosing a size). Tried disabling the auto width option (this doesn’t seem to work at all)
I’m finding the design aspect of Evolve sorely lacking and incredibly difficult to do anything with. Any help would be appreciated
Hello @mrjrhall,
I’m sorry you’re having issues with images rendering fuzzily.
- Please take a look at this article Optimal image sizes to upload to the asset library. Anywhere that graphics are enabled in Evolve we make sure that they always display at consistent width.
- If you navigate to the Assets menu and click Edit on an Image Asset we have a crop tool and image resize functionality. Additionally, it’s possible via theming to influence the padding, margins etc. If you’re unfamiliar with theming please take a look at the relevant course on Evolve can’t replace a dedicated image editing package.
- Without knowing what resolution your original images are set to this is difficult to diagnose. Please submit details of the course you are having issues with, along with examples of the original images and our support team will be happy to investigate. You can access a contact form directly in your Evolve instance.
We have additional resources at including free example courses.
Hi @mrjrhall We’ve found moving to Evolve (from Storyline) required us to shift our mindset. Where we used to obsess over lining everything up in Storyline we let Evolve take care of it via the theme editor. We do all of our asset preparation outside Evolve. In Photoshop, we optimise the balance of file size, quality and image size in pixels. Once we got use to it, it became a much easier production method.