Hero image size and scaling

Hi, I mocked up my design with full width Hero images on the main top level Box Menu page, Topic pages and Page’s themselves.

I see from this guidance (Optimal image sizes to upload to the asset library) though that the largest image size in Evolve is 1440px wide, whereas the more common HD screen is 1920px.

I made some Hero image assets at 1920px but, again as per that thread, during upload it seems Evolve creates different asset sizes automatically as Small, Large and Extra Large presets, with Extra Large being the 1440px size.

When I uploaded and used my Hero images, sure enough the image is 1440px but, as set to full width, rendered at 1920px and obviously looks poor as the smaller image is now being blown up to fill the layout.

This article: Image Optimization : Intellum mentions ‘Advanced Image Settings’ but our instance Admin can’t find these settings! Is this where we might alter some presets to fix the issue?

FWIW - I can’t be the only one with this issue? Anyone that creates a HD size Hero image is going to have the same rendering problem? Weirdly, if I set that image as the Menu Header Graphic (at the Topic level) it renders at 1920px (but I don’t really want to do that as it creates other issues for my layout). Any insight or suggestions welcome.

Those settings are here:

Brill, thanks Matt - that does the trick (which I guess you knew already!) It’s obvious now I know, and is even in the tooltip etc Thanks though, I can crack on now :+1: