How do I toggle the visibility of an article

Hi there,

I’ve set up a button and an article (which I’ve hidden)… then I’ve also set up the trigger on thebutton which shows the hidden article. However I don’t know how to toggle this… so that the button can be clicked over and over to show/hide the article. I initially set up another trigger action to hide it again on clicking the button again, but this doesn’t work… it just flickers the content on and off in the same action.

Is there a better way to do this?


Hi Doug,

I believe you will need two buttons with 3 activities each - one to hide the article, hide the hide button, show the show button, and the other to show the article, hide the show button and show the hide button. I don;t think one button can toggle between states yet, as in if visible then hide, sadly.


Thanks Helen… might be a little too much I think… but thank you yet again for a solution. Might just add a single accordion… at least they can toggle that. :slight_smile:


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No worries - a request for Toggle visibility has gone in. I feel it would be a useful addition :slight_smile:

Absolutely!.. seems a simple UX thing to me that should be there.

Can I pick your brain on one other matter? I’m working on a course that is 11 topics with a total of around 60 pages… At the end of each topic, there’s no way to just continue to the next Topic menu (The footer navigation doesn’t show an arrow to continue to the next Topic?

Currently I’ve just added the HOME icon to the footer nav to take the learner back to the menu… but I feel this won’t be very well received… Unless I add a button with a trigger set to the next Topic menu perhaps… (if that’s possible?). I just thought it would continue but it doesn’t. I also need to be able to lock sections (which you already helped me with).

Thanks again

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I would solve this one by having an action button as the very last thing on your last page of the topic which sends the user to the first page of the next topic, which I think is what you were alluding to. You can then use logic on that button too to unlock that next topic.

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Great thanks Helen… I was hoping there was a less manual task way of doing it… but thought I’d throw it out there just in case you had a better approach.

Thanks (again)

Hi Doug,

We have built similar courses (Topic > Topic > Pages) to take advantage of Evolve’s “baked-in” menus and learner completion feedback.

We used the Links component, and set an Internal Link to the next Topic menu, Page, or wherever we want the learner to go from there.

This is made much easier if you have strong naming conventions for the Internal Titles of your Topics and Pages.


Thanks… I eventually discovered this… :slight_smile: And it highlights the importance of naming everything.
Thanks for your help.

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