Glossary items do not rearrange

Hi everyone!

I have created a glossary with the extension and it seems that no matter how I rearrange the terms in the glossary they always stay in the initial order that I created them in. I first thought maybe it needs some time to sync, but it has been weeks now and no change in the order of the items. Is there something I am missing?

Appreciate your help!

Hi Tina, aren’t they always just staying in alphabetical order? I think it’s probably sensible that never changes despite the order of items, I think learners would always assume that’s the order in a glossary.

Hi Sam,

I see, good point. However, that makes me wonder why I can adjust the order in the backend. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

Agreed, it is a little counter intuitive! I think it’s because that’s the default behaviour for items in extensions/components, so we would need to custom build something in order form them to remain static or in alphabetical order in the editor.