Extension Bookshelf - adding all articles at one click?

Hi there,

the Bookshelf-Extension is very helpful for learners.
However i am curious: is there a way to add all articles of my course at once (special command)?
All I know is, that I have to add each article seperately.

If there is no way, maybe it would be a nice addition to your roadmap :wink:

Best regards

Hi @LoarsWoars , as the course editor you can select any article to be pre-shelved in your course, so it will appear in the Bookshelf when the learner opens the course - so you could do this for every article in the course if you want to:


Hi @Sam_Cook_Evolve_QA ,

that’s a nice function - I didn’t know that.

I am sorry, I didn’t make myself clear.
What I meant: When I switch to Extensions => Bookshelf => Behavior I can Set Bookshelf Articles. If the course is already built I have to add every article manually bit by bit to make sure, that every article can be shelved by the learner. And I was wondering if there is a faster way to add alle articles of my course to make it “shelve-able”:

Best regards

ah, I see what you mean @LoarsWoars - I will raise with the team, thanks

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