Displaying mathematics

Is it possible to display mathematics formulas (such as the one below) in Evolve?


If so, is it possible to add it in sentences, like so:


Thank you.

To a point you can do this, yes. Using italics, subscript/superscript and symbols you can put in certain things. Symbols has greek letters, maths symbols and more for you to choose from.


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Hey @hbailey,

I’d like to add a question according to this post. Will there be a math-editor in the future? Or do you have recommendations, how to display “simple” mathematics like fractional calculations?

We worked for years with an other authoring tool and a possible solution was using tables to display the fractional line (by hiding a few frame lines and displaying lines, that would work as fractional lines). Even though I love working with Evolve, the table in Evolve is pretty bad (that’s an other topic). As a result, the previous solution no longer works in Evolve.
Using images of fractional calculations is not very comfortable, because if we have to change the content, we have to edit the image.


Hey Lars, I’ve not heard of one being put in - no, but have you tried emojis/symbols?

I’m on a Mac so it will be different if you’re on a PC, but if you call up Character Viewer on the Mac, I can find any fraction I want and paste it into the body text of Evolve:


thanks for the fast response. I am working with macOS as well and at work with PC.

We’re searching for solutions to display things like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-28 um 12.23.05


In the past we used tables for that. I can show you, how it would look like in html-code:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-28 um 12.44.18

Even this was just a workaround, because we had no other choice.

For better understanding: In our institution, where we provide training and further education in the commercial sector, we frequently deal with such calculations. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as we also have to handle tasks such as payroll tax calculations and T-accounts. We’ve generally managed to represent these in HTML tables, but in Evolve, this isn’t really practical. I apologize if this veers slightly towards table talk, but for us, it has always been the alternative to using the math editor.

You could code your own one and upload it as an embeddable object inside an iframe (there is a toggle for this inside the iframe component). Just make sure your HTML file is labeled index.html before you zip everything up and upload it.

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yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing right at this moment. It’s - once again - a workaround. I really appreciate your response! However, I’m hoping for a more integrated solution. If not today, maybe in the future.


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Ah I see, in that case: good luck!

The native tables have been a challenge for us too so I feel your pain : )