Creating forms to capture course user details

Hi everyone

We are using the Evolve platform to deliver human rights training to a number of our corporate clients.

A number of our clients want to know which staff or suppliers have completed their training course to track progress and issue certificates of completion (like you would through an LMS).

Is there any way we can include free text fields where trainees can enter their name and company details so we track completions? This information would need to be captured in a database and stored so we can download it for our clients.

Your ideas or any support would be much appreciated.

Cheers Richard

Hello Richard, and welcome.

I’m assuming then that you are not uploading this course to an LMS to track completion? If not, the original answer to this would have been to use the Storage extension with Firebase, but this is being removed at some point.

My suggestion would be to use an iFrame to embed a Google form or similar into your course, which asks for the learner’s name and details. Just be clear where the data is being stored and for what purpose. You can then give whomever you need to have access, access to that form.

Hope that helps.

Hi Helen

Thanks for your response.

You are correct – we are not planning to upload all our courses to an LMS at this stage.

I have cc’d in our instructional designer Tim in case he has any follow up questions about your proposed solution using Google forms.

Cheers Richard


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