Course attainment by passing assessment

Hello, How do I enable course attainment through the learner passing the assessment?

Hi Feilim,

You need to change make sure you have your assessment set up using the Course Assessment Extension, then go to the general Course Settings > Behaviour and choose Assessment Completion from the list.

You can learn all about Assessments in the Learn Evolve course on the Evolve Hub too.


Hi Helen, I have used the suggested settings above and tested the course on Scorm cloud. With the suggested settings it shows that the learner has started the course but it is not showing as complete once the assessment is passed. Are there other settings I need to look at? Thanks Feilim

It’s hard to say without seeing your course - but make sure that you have added all (and only) the questions that you want to count towards the assessment in the extensions’ Behaviour settings…

You can also use the Live Preview Course tracking tools to see what’s happening without having to load to SCORM cloud…


If you’re still stuck, we will either need some screenshot of your settings or to know where the course is (URL of the course) so we can take a look.


Hi Helen, Im still having the same issues unfortunately. On the live preview the course does show as complete once the assessment is passed but it does not show as complete on Scorm cloud. Could it be an issue with pop ups? I have taken screen shots of the course assessment settings.

Thanks, Feilim

Could you share a link to the SCORM Cloud debug log? It might help us identify what’s going on…

In the course page in SCORM Cloud you should see one or more debug logs like this:

Then at the bottom of the log there’s a link you can copy:

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Hi Matt, Here is the debug log for the course -

Would it be possible to set up a call to discuss?

Thanks Féilim

Not much help unfortunately as there doesn’t seem to be any SCORM communication at all in there.

Please could you get in touch with Evolve Support?

Hi @Feilim - hopefully Evolve Support will have responded by now… but for the benefit of others:

If you have the setting Launch course in popup window? enabled in Evolve’s Advanced SCORM publish settings, you will need to change a setting in SCORM Cloud so that it doesn’t also launch the course in a popup - as having two popup windows will prevent Evolve from being able to find and connect to the SCORM API.

The setting in SCORM Cloud is Course Properties > Launch Behaviour > SCO Launch Type and needs to be changed from New Window to Frameset.

Hello, I have an issue with the launch behaviour after I publish the course. I have not enabled the launch course in pop window but when I publish the course it is opening in a new window, not a frameset. What do you think the issue could be?

Hi Feilim,

That first option in SCORM Cloud there for SCO launch - says New Window. You will need to change that.

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Hi Helen, Can I not change the publish settings in Evolve so that does not have to be changed in Scorm cloud? Thanks

No - SCORM Cloud’s settings are independent to Evolve’s - as are other LMSs.

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Hi Helen, Yes I understand this, I do not want to have to change the setting in Scorm cloud. What publish settings will I use in Evolve so it launches as a frameset? Thanks Féilim

There aren’t any.

If you want to change how the LMS launches the course you can only do that by using the settings in the LMS.

Hi Matt, I have tried changing the setting ‘Launch course in popup window’ in Evolve’s Advanced SCORM publish settings, but it does not seem to make a difference. It launches in a new window every time regardless of whether its enabled or not so what does that setting do? I do not want the course to launch in a pop up window and I do not want to have to use Scorm cloud to change the launch behaviour. What are the options to resolve this?

@feilim it is the LMS that decides how the course launches. Most LMSes have settings to control this. You will need to change the setting in your LMS or speak to your LMS provider/admin about changing it.

The setting ‘launch course in popup window’ is there for when your LMS only has the option to launch the course in a frameset or iframe but you need to force it to open in a new window. This is quite an unusual use-case so it is unlikely you would ever need to enable this setting.

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