Hello, I have an issue with assessment retake navigation. If someone fails an assessment, in the assessment dialog box I have the option to retake the assessment, view results etc. If the user clicks out of the assessment dialog box, closes the assessments dialog box, or clicks view component in the results feedback I cannot see a way to get back into the assessment dialog box to retake the assessment. Is there a button that can be added somewhere etc? Thanks
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Hi Matt, I do have the retake button in the assessment dialog box but once I click out of it there is no way to access the retake button again. The assessment page navigation just brings me back to the questions so the user gets stuck where they cannot retake the assessment. Is there a way to resolve this?
I suspect you are looking at the wrong navigation menu (the course navigation menu I would guess). the one in the screenshot is the ‘hamburger’ menu which takes you to the ‘assessment extension page’ which is where the retake button can be found.
Yes I was looking at the course navigation menu. Thanks