Branching component - why isn't is accessible?

I am looking to use the branching component for a client and note that it’s marked as not accessible. Does anyone know specifically what makes it an inaccessible component so I, and the client, can make an informed decision on whether or not to use it?

Thanks, Chantelle

Hi @chantelle , the issues on this component are:

  • If you have Behavior > Full Screen > Display Full screen? enabled, once you select the Start button focus is lost
  • When the component is complete, focus doesn’t go to top of the learner’s responses, so there isn’t an easy way to review

We are always trying to improve accessibility in Evolve courses. We are currently having a course audited by an third party for WCAG 2.1 certification, and when this is complete we hope to be able to increase the number of components and extensions marked as accessible (but note that Branching will not be part of this). We will provide updates on this forum and in Evolve itself when we have more news.


Thank you Sam, this is really helpful.

On your second bullet, is that only relevant if you have the feature turned on to review your responses?

Thanks, Chantelle

Yep, it looks like it - I have given it a quick test with behavior > story mode > Display story mode on end? toggled off, and the focus issues don’t seem to occur.

Please be aware though, I can’t give any guarantees that there may not be other issues that I haven’t discovered in this short round of testing I carried out.


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