Accessibility list

Hi All

I know that components are marked as either accessible or not within evolve but from looking at a number of posts this appears to be a bit of a grey area. I wanted to know if there was a list of the evolve components anywhere detailing the accessible features.

I am looking to improve my organisations content design with accessibility in mind and I am trying to find a place to start, so an overview of the features available would be amazing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I’m not sure what you mean by ‘the accessible features’?

If it helps you can filter the components list to show only those that are accessible:

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hi, I find this useful : EvolveComponents.pdf - Google Drive

GIF, Narrative & Text narrative have been updated to accessible (@Matt_Leathes will this be updated? and the MCQ link is broken.)

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Yes we’ll be updating that soon - thanks for the link check I’ll add that to the updates.



HI Matt

Thanks for coming back to me.

I was looking for more of an explanation as to how the components meet the WCAG standard for example the Xerte platform provides guidance for authors about the accessibility features.

If there isn’t anything available I understand but I thought I would ask.


The evolve components document is definitely helpful. Thanks

Each component & extension usually has a ‘Knowledge Base article’ associated with it that gives a general overview of how to use the component - which should include tips for accessibility

Furthermore you can click the accessibility icon for a more general article about accessibility