Hi, I’m hoping you could shed some light on the following:
We have used narrative components in a lot of our eLearning course builds. In previous iterations of Evolve, the narrative were deemed accessible. However, since the more recent accessibility updates, the component is now deemed as not accessible. Having tested it out with a screen reader (NVDA), I can see the issue with the focus order not working correctly and this is potentially disorientating to learners who use assistive tech or rely on keyboard use only. Is it possible that this component could be made accessible again in the future? If not, can you give us anymore information as to how/why it has changed?
Hi @Rosie thanks for the question.
It’s not so much that anything has changed per se, but more that for the first time last year we had course components assessed by a third party (OnlineADA) to determine which meet WCAG AA conformance. It’s also the case that we have become more educated as a tool provider as to what is a good experience for users with accessibility needs. Our suggestion at this stage would be that the Tabs component is a much better experience than the Narrative. Narrative interactions generally on the web are deemed not to be a great experience for assistive technology users, not just in Evolve.
I don’t have anything specific I can pass on right now about when/if we might have an accessible version of the Narrative, but we are taking accessibility very seriously and we are regularly making updates to Evolve to improve things. When we have more specific news, I will absolutely pass that on. I hope that’s of some help.