Best resolution for footer logo in Branding extension

Hi guys :slight_smile:

I would like to use the Branding extension to add a logo to the footer of my course. Unfortunately, I cannot find any hint on the best resolution for the image. Does anyone know the ideal pixel-width for this?

Currently I have the logo in 1500px and 144px width and the first is way to big and the other way to small. Before I try 15 different sizes, maybe someone knows what will work best. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

Hi Tina, I guess it depends on the shape of the logo - taking a square logo as an example (the Evolve logo) the example here is 76px wide, and about right for the nature/dimensions of the logo. There is a slo a setting in Theme > Extensions > Branding > Logos Max Width that might help

Perfect, adjusting max width solved the problem :slight_smile: Thank you!

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