I would like to create a basic course with some fundamental features:
-A linked button to navigate to the next page or the next section
-A progress bar on the side
-Hamburger menu: Is the hamburger menu only available in a “Box Menu”? I didn’t see these options available.
Thank you,
Hi there,
i would like to help you with your first two questions and hope, this helps:
A linked button to navigate to the next page or the next section:
There are two ways; the easiest: You go to the course settings on the left (gearwheel) and choose the Navigation-tab. Click on Footer Navigation and turn on Enable Footer Navigation. After that, on the bottom of your page a footer will appear and as soon as you create some pages on the same “layer”/ inside the same topic, you can switch from page to page via the footer.
Second way: You can insert a component called Action Button. In the Behavior-Section on the right (after you clicked on your Action Button component) there are a few options you can choose from to configure, what happens, if you click on the Action Button. Unfortunately there is no option to jump to the next page, so we have to use Logic. Go to the left and click on the “Lightning/ Flash” icon to enter Logic. You can see three Tabs: Trigger, Variables and Dialogs - we only need Triggers. Click on the plus-icon underneath Triggers and a new field will appear.
On Event select Action Button clicked
On Condition select your Action Button component
On Actions select Navigate to page. A new option will appear (Page) - there you have to select the page you want to navigate to.
In my opinion, the first solution suits you better, unless you want to navigate to a specific page, than the second solution is better.
A progress bar on the side
As far as I know, there is no progress bar, you can use at the side. Go to the left to the Extension-page inside your course - that is the puzzle-icon. Enable Scroll Progress. After this you will have a (very) small progress bar on the top. Via Themes you can change the colors and - if i remember well - the size of the bar, but right now I cannot find the options.
EDIT: Indeed you can change the size of the bar using your own theme. If you want to change the size of the progress bar go to Theme (inside your course) => Extensions => Scroll Progress. You’ll find the Scroll Progress (Mobile) Height to change the size. Also you can set the progress bar to the bottom - all you have to do is enable Display at Bottom of Navigation Bar.
Best regards
You can also use the Links component to create internal links - it’s a bit more straightforward to set up an internal link that way than using an Action Button
The Hamburger menu option is configured in Theme > Navigation > Settings > Use Hamburger menu
You can show current progress within the page using the Progress extension.
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Thank you so much! I will definitely use it.
Thank you for your answer Matt!