Where to Change Hot Spot Icon Coloring in Theme

I’m losing my mind a bit! I cannot find the setting to change the color of these icons in the “hot graphic” component.

Also, some of you seem to have a good understanding of what is categorized as what. Example, Accordions are lists, Hot Spot close buttons are Notifications…is there a master list somewhere? I"m going insane. Any resources you’ve seen would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi there Brittany,

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the theming - it is definitely the steepest learning curve of Evolve but we’re here to help!

Any time you add things to a component as Items, as with Hot Spot, Question answers etc, you need to try Component Item theme settings for those.

By default, Hot Spot spots draw their colour from the Tertiary colour of your theme (or top right of the Default colour palette if you have renamed it). It can then be amended to draw from some other colour in the Component Item Background Colors, if that is changed.


Your colour for the icon text (the + ) is also in those settings.

Do be aware that if you have an article style applied to the article containing the hot graphic then you will need to affect the change to the Component Item settings for that Article Style, not for the main theme’s Component Item settings.

Finally, yes, we are striving to create a guide to theming for each component and part of a course, and will make sure these are available from the Evolve Hub when they’re ready.

Let us know if you still need further guidance.

hi Brittany,

you may use the theme colors like hbailey mentioned and also override the colors directly in the component

hope this helps

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@storrao well I never - you have taught me something :slight_smile:

Hi again Brittany,

Here is where you can change Hotspot Colours - under Appearance in the Hotspot Component settings…