Video stream component transcript button / accessibility

Unlike the media player, the videostream component does not have a transcript button.

I appreciate it’s possible to add closed captions to the video via your chosen video streaming service but the issue with closed captions is that they are timed to the video. For those that require more time to read than close captions allow, a static transcript is sometimes required.

Would it be possible to add a Transcript button to the video stream component?

We’ve had a few people ask for this. I’ll try and look at this soon.


We’ve faced that in the past. We put a single-item Accordion component under the Stream component. The behaviour is almost identical to the transcript in the Media component.


Good idea Andy. I think I’ll do this too from now own.

I’ve always used a Hint component that acts as a button and then pops the transcript up. In the main this is ok, but some clients don’t like that the transcript appears over the top of the video. So I use Action buttons and text boxes underneath, when requested.

The single-item Accordion is a great alternative and I wonder why I’ve never thought of it?! :grin:


This functionality will be available in the next Evolve release. Would have loved to get it out this week but there are a LOT of places this needed updating and I wanted to do a whole review of the ‘transcript’ functionality in Evolve so that it’s available wherever you can use Video, VideoStream or Audio. Hopefully a big improvement.


Nice one @Matt_Leathes

Hello @Matt_Leathes , I’m back again :crazy_face:

First, thanks again for this fix. It has made one of our clients very happy.

I have a related feature request though - an accessibility agency testing a course recently asked if the transcript popup could have a title set. At the moment you can add the transcript text and I guess you could ‘style’ some of that text to look like a title, but the request was to have it correctly tagged as such - like in the text-reveal popups.

I was just wondering if including the option to add a title might be a relatively easy thing to add?

@Ruppers if all transcript popups in the course will have a title and it’s always the same title, yes.

If you need to be able to set a different title for each transcript popup then it’s not impossible but also not ‘relatively easy’.

The feedback we had was that they felt it should have a title that said ‘Transcript’ and personally I don’t think it would need to say anything else.

While I don’t think it would need to say anything else I suspect not everyone would want to have a title. Could it be a toggle on or off thing? :person_shrugging:

Yeah I’d probably add something like ‘Transcript Popup Title’ in Settings > Globals > Videos. If someone didn’t want it set they could just clear the value.

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