Alignment of the Transcript button


Can anyone please help me in the alignment of the Transcript button.

I have a video and a audio component. The transcript button of the video component is shown on the left and of the audio is at the center.

In the Article Styles >> Button >> Transcript Button Styles, the ‘Transcript Button Width’ is set to ‘Auto’. Is there any other setting for alignment of the button?

Also the Transcript is opened in a popup. Can we display it inline.


Hi, this is set on the component itself in build. It can be turned on or off using the radio button under the ‘Media’ menu item of the ‘Media item’ component.

Assuming this is in relation to the Audio component transcript - this functionality will be available in the next release of Evolve

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I’ve set this up as described, but the Transcript button is still left aligned. Can anyone help please?

Hi @Jo_S if you can DM me a link to the relevant component in your course in the editor I can take a look and figure out what’s causing it.

I’ve hunted for a solution to the left aligned transcript button many times. I’m pretty confident that there is currently no way to centre align it, unless you make it cover the full width of the video component.

Hi there, was this resolved? I’m experiencing the same problem. Thanks.