SCORM 2004/Interaction tracking

Hi folks,

Was super excited to see that Evolve is now supporting SCORM 2004 interaction tracking :partying_face:

I’m about to export a course for the first time using this and wondered if anyone had any issues with this (we’ll be hosting on Cornerstone, if that helps?), or if there was anything special we had to do when exporting to ensure this works?

Thanks for any insights!

Exciting times!

Just check whioch version of SCORM COrnerstone uses? You could also try your course in SCORMCloud perhaps to see how it works? Or maybe on a test activity in Cornerstone?

Let us know what sort of data you get out from it!


@Kim_B according to their documentation Cornerstone supports SCORM 2004 3rd Edition, therefore it should support interaction tracking.

The only thing you need to do is publish your course for SCORM 2004 3rd Edition.

Interaction tracking doesn’t use suspend data so this is not something you need to worry about.