New User - Best way to dive?

I am coming from Storyline, Lectora and Captivate.
My company is transitioning to using Evolve.
What is the best way to learn from the ground up?


I suggest:

  • make use of
  • build a “one of everything” course
  • spend time just playing with the theme - it’ll be the biggest difference to what you are used to
  • join the eLearning Network and enquire about their mentor scheme (full disclosure: I’m a director of the eLN)

Finally, it requires a different thought process for design. There are no states, layers, triggers etc. The core to the new paradigm is twofold “which of the available interactions is the best to achieve the outcome?” and “how many different ways can I use this interaction?”

Once you are up the learning curve, you won’t look back :slight_smile:


We second all of @Andy_Moorman 's suggestions. Thanks Andy.

Drop us a line via support and we can add some example courses for you @SWP