Evolve Authoring Course Design Tips

Hello everyone :raised_hand:,

I am excited to start on a new e-learning course project for my organization using Evolve Authoring. While I have experience in instructional design and other authoring tools, I’m eager to harness Evolve Authoring’s full potential to create an exceptional learning experience.

I believe this community is a goldmine of expertise, and I’m seeking your invaluable insights on best practices for designing effective e-learning courses with Evolve Authoring.

Course Structure and Navigation

  • How can I structure my course to maintain learner engagement and intuitive navigation? :thinking:
  • What are the most effective ways to organize content within Evolve Authoring for optimal learning flow?:thinking:

Interactive Learning Experiences

  • Which interactive elements in Evolve Authoring have proven most successful in boosting learner engagement and retention?:thinking:
  • Can you share tips for maximizing the impact of quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and multimedia content?:thinking:

Design Aesthetics and Impact

  • How crucial is visual design in e-learning, and what design principles should I prioritize within Evolve Authoring?:thinking:
  • Can you recommend effective templates, color schemes, or fonts for creating visually appealing and learner-friendly courses?:thinking:

Accessibility and Inclusivity

  • What steps can I take to ensure my course is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities?:thinking:
  • Are there specific Evolve Authoring features or settings to enhance content accessibility?:thinking:

Performance and Optimization

  • How can I optimize my Evolve Authoring courses for smooth delivery and minimal technical issues, especially when dealing with large media files or complex interactions?:thinking:
  • Are there performance best practices to follow within the platform?:thinking:

I have explored resources/article like Evolve Is The #1 Content Authoring Tool In The World | Intellum, but I still find myself struggling with these aspects.

Thank you :pray: for sharing your expertise. I’m eager to learn from your collective knowledge and create a high-quality e-learning experience that meets the needs of our learners. Your guidance is invaluable to me.

Hello there.

We appreciate your keenness and interest in Evolve and building great courses with it - but you are asking an awful lot straight off the bat - information and practices that most people learn over their Learning Design career and also during their growing experience with Evolve and building eLearning in general over time.

I would suggets that you go to the Evolve Hub as this is where the real resources lie - documents, guides (such as our Knowlegde Base) and also our 3 part Learn Evolve course which will teach you how to use the tool whilst putting in some best practice along the way, and will answer most of the questions you ask. It is all free and you can find it here: Evolve Learning Hub : Intellum

Once you have worked through the course you will be able to build more confidently and then you can use the help icons within Evolve itself to read the guides in the Knowledge Base which will explain even more about each feature, which you can reference as you need them.

A little bit of time investment now will really set you up with what you need to know, and then you can come back to ask for help with more specific topics that people can help you with quickly and more fully.

I hope this helps and enjoy your own learning journey with Evolve.
