Linking SCORM packages


We have a course that will be split into 3, possibly 4 SCORM packages, as our client doesn’t want the entire course (equivalent to about 4 hours of learning) in one SCORM package.

Right now we’re considering having the landing page as its own SCORM package, with the other 2 or 3 SCORM packages linked to it. Does anyone have experience with linking multiple SCORM packages in Evolve? If so, would love to hear about it - specifically why you chose this and how you did it.


Do you mean creating a ‘multi-SCO’ package? That’s the only way I can think of where you can ‘link’ courses like that. It’s not supported in Evolve, anyway. Most LMSes don’t handle this very well, so there is rarely any call to do it.

Thanks for the reply, Matt! We abandoned the SCORM linking idea for the reasons you stated above.

Hello @eaj - I’m curious if you managed to do this in a different creative way? We have the same challenge right now.


The problem is that SCORM packages need to be launched directly from an LMS for tracking purposes.

Unless your LMS has a Path functionality where completion of one module can automatically launch the next, or at least point the learner to launch the next one, then the tracking will just not work.

The Intellum Platform does the above very well, but it depends on which LMS you will be using as to what you can do with it.