Extension Copy Function

Hi – a few questions not currently addressed by the instructions document:

  1. So, an existing course extension’s settings be replaced entirely by a copy to the course or is it a merge?

  2. The target course must have the extension enabled before the copy? Or will the copy do this?

  3. If the target course’s extension is linked to an asset, but the copied extension does not, will the target course be unlinked from that asset?


(BTW, a colleague thought that the ability to copy the extension to multiple courses simultaneously might be a great feature request. )

  1. replaced entirely
  2. the extension must be enabled in both the source and target courses. the ‘copy’ button will only appear for enabled extensions - and only courses with that extension enabled will show up as available as ‘copy sources’.
  3. yes

BTW, a colleague thought that the ability to copy the extension to multiple courses simultaneously might be a great feature request

That’s something we also thought might be a good future addition