Custom Layout question

Hi there… does anyone know how I can achieve this layout? It’s supposed to be an icon. But so far all I can find is a text graphic, which basically fills half the screen with an image and the other half with text. I need like four fifths text and one fifth for the icon… Hope this makes sense… and thank you… :slight_smile:

I was able to achieve the following by using a new Article Style, applying the icon to the style, and then applying that style to my article containing a full-width text component.

I had to remove a lot of margins or padding to get it to how I wanted it - but it didn’t take too long…

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That looks great! Is that using the icons within the tool or an image of your own making? I have some bespoke images (which are icons) showing specific things, so I’m trying to add those. This is great to know though. I’ll have a look at those and see if there’s a way to do this with images…

Thank you so much for you help.


The icon I used there is a built-in one, yes, just chosen in the settings.

However if you wanted to do this with an image, I found you can remove the icon, set the background image within the article in the style as your image, and position it over to the left. Then set the COMPONENT body text left margin to something which encompasses the width of your image… Voila!

great idea…! does it play well at smaller screen sizes… ? Although I suppose you’d add a different sized image for mobile?

You’re a genius :slight_smile: :wink:

Image does OK with a little bit of tweaking of the margins for the body text in the 3 different states, and making sure you use a much smaller image for the mobile version.

However Icon works better than image, as the article grows to fit and you don’t need to mess with the margins. at all. So if you can upload as an icon, you’re much better off!


Thanks so much for your help… major brownie points from me to you :slight_smile:

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You’re more than welcome - I do love to experiment and see what is possible so you’re helping me to improve my knowledge too!

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Yeah I’m picking up things as I go… which is a bit difficult… it’s not exactly user friendly… with SO MANY parameters and links… it’s like a rabbit warren :slight_smile: No doubt I’ll be asking for more help before this year is out… or this week… or today… or within then next 10 minutes :slight_smile:

For getting a standard course and theme up and running I think it’s great for speed and ease, and as you say if you want to adjust quite specific items to reflect your needs, they have made it possible to make a lot of changes, and really fine-tune. Unfortunately with more control comes more need for toggles and settings!

That’s why we are here though in this community, to offer assistance and listen to feedback and suggestions :slight_smile: So ask away!

Yes definitely! :slight_smile: - I think that’s the reason for our client choosing this tool. I have edited the themes of Adapt courses before using css… but it’s equally time consuming hunting down the right files and classes to make your change. I’m hoping once I orient and memorise things I’ll be able to navigate to the things I need… again… thank you for your help Helen :slight_smile:

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I used to do the same!

Have a great weekend.

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