Course-wide Find and Replace

I am currently working on a series of courses where much of the content is the same but the course name and a few bits of text here and there are changed. It’d be very nice to be able to do a course-wide find-and-replace to look for [old course name] and replace it with [new course name]. There are so many little nooks and crevices in Evolve where text has to be entered it can be very frustrating to find all instances of any given word or phrase.

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I know it’s not the ideal solution but you can use the export/import course JSON functionality of Evolve to do this:

  • Export the course JSON using Export Course JSON
  • Extract the contents of the zip file this creates
  • Open the folder containing those files in a decent editor such as Visual Studio Code
  • Use the find-and-replace function of the editor to make changes
  • Zip the files back up (make sure to zip up the files not the folder that contains them)
  • Import back into Evolve using the Import Course JSON

I’d recommend either creating a new ‘course version’ or duplicating the original course as a backup before doing this.

Hope this helps

You can also use the export/import JSON functionality of Evolve


I’m a bit late to the party, but there’s another way to achieve the same thing. It removes a couple of steps (the extract and re-zip).

  • Export a translation JSON
  • Use the find and replace (in a decent code editor)
  • Import back in as a translation