Accessibility Article Styles as Default

Can you please create and add 2 default Article Styles to the base of all new themes:

  • Autistic spectrum- simple gentle tones - sans serif font - additional spacing - no background
  • High visibility - high contrast - large font - higher spacing

By building these and then making them part of all default new themes alongside ‘Knowledge check, Summary, Content, Standout’ it gives designers the ability to quickly and easily enable content to accessibility standards. It also gives the ability to put switching in the hands of users through the use of logic and buttons.

Accessibility requirements are generally needed for all courses and users, and whilst editors can work to WCAG standards, having these settings as a default option in themes would save a huge amount of time and effort for editors as it is not possible to transfer an accessibility article style from one theme to another, so requires being made for all courses.

Hi there, this is a really great idea. We are working on a long term project to redesign the Themes interface and accessibility will definitely be a consideration, as it’s a topic we all feel passionately about.

As a workaround for now, you could create a course template that contained your preferred accessible article styles and use that as a starting point for new courses.
