Translation settings - using Google translate - check translate settings in Google

We had an interesting issue where a user was translating courses using Evolve’s translation feature - part of this involves using Google translate.

If Chrome is set to translate all web pages from English it will translate a French website but will be trying to do this as if it were English, not French.

So, if you’re translating a page make sure that Chrome is set to translate from your origin language and that it isn’t defaulting back to English. This way you shouldn’t experience any translation issues caused by this setting in Chrome.

With thanks to @Bastien_Medard for helping to identify the source of the issue.

I have read that manual translations can be created for each course but I can’t find where that option is in the menu. Can you help me?

Hey! All versions can be created in Versions:


THen Language Versions, and use the button at the bottom: