I am using a Links component to a create a button which takes you to the next page. however it has a mystery 10 px of padding which is pushing it off the edege of the content. I’ve attached a screenshot to show the issue using the inspector tool. Red lines showing the spacing.
I can’t work out where the padding is coming from as all the left padding on buttons has been removed. From the webinspector it looks like it is padding on a container which holds the button but i can’t work out where this can be adjusted!
Thanks for your reply, yes I thought that would be where to change it however I’ve set the margin to 0 on the left and the component has no padding either. Puzzled!
Just to add that this may be a reaction to when you use a component that has a grid based layout, and we’re going to take a look into whether this can be solved within the tool itself so a fix isn’t necessary.