Learn Evolve Level 3 is here!

Completing our Learn Evolve series - this third course will teach you about making original and distinctive content that nurtures learners, using Evolve’s advanced components and features.

You will need an Intellum account to take it (if you have taken previous levels this will be the same account) - this is not the same as your Evolve login details.

If you are an Evolve user only, use this link: Learn Evolve Level 3 and sign in/sign up.
If you are an Intellum Platform Client, use this link to take the course with your existing login details: Learn Evolve Level 3 for Intellum Clients

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@hbailey - FYI, looks like experience page hasn’t been updated to include Level 3 (courses). Only accessible from the link you’ve provided here.

@Martin hi, do you mean the Evolve Hub?

@hbailey No, on the Experience Catalog page. I log into the Experience page and was expecting to see the new tile for it. Have to get to it either through your link, or from my ‘history.’

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Oh right! I gotcha now, thanks for clarifying! I will get our platform admins onto getting that added now.


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Hi @Martin

Should be all sorted now, thanks for the heads-up!

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