Evolve slowing down

Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed that Evolve has felt slower than normal recently? Especially in the afternoon in UK time, there is a noticeable drop in performance from around 13:00.

It’s very bad for me at the moment, but I’m getting internet speeds of 800down, 86up so I’m certain that my connection isn’t the issue. Evolve is taking between 30 seconds and a minute to update as I’m making changes.

I realise that this is a first world problem and it is manageable, but I’ve got very used to Evolve updating immediately, so it feels painful when it is this slow! It’s been like this for the last few weeks for me, just wondering if it’s just me or if anyone might know why?


James @LD

Thanks for flagging this, we will take a look and see what we can see.

It should be noted that we tend to do an Evolve release around late morning/midday on Tuesdays (yesterday would have been around 2pm) so that can impact performance when that lands on the servers… and equally the first time you go to use it after that since it will have to pull down quite a lot of new code. I’m not saying that is the cause - just something to be aware of.

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Just circling back to say that we can see there have clearly been some performance issues that seem to be specific to the EU servers.

We’ve put in place some immediate remediation which hopefully should have already improved things - and we’re continuing to work with our devops team to improve performance still further.


Nice one, thank you for the update Matt :slight_smile: