hi, need to copy and rebrand a course while keeping the original. I have sister companies that want almost the same content but different theme colours etc. when I copied and tried to edit it affects the original. I found this ‘Import or Export an Evolve Course’ but this did not help. a colour change still affected the original. Do I need to start from scratch, as such, and copy the content bit by bit?
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Hi Shane,
No, not at all.
Once you have duplicated a course, the theme will still be connected to the same one as the original course. What you need to do is once you have your copy course, go into it, go to the Theme icon, then select the Create Theme button, top right.
Next, give your new theme a title and make sure the one you want to base it off is the one deselected in the grid below. Then hit Create theme.
This will create an identical copy of the theme, attactched to your copy course, but that is able to be edited to your new requirements without affecting the original.
Hope that helps!